In this issue we have compiled some golden nuggets gleaned from the various messages preached by William Marrion Branham. These golden nuggets contain the answers to some of our readers' questions on our Bible standing regarding the teachings of the Prophet-Messenger.

The quotations are not meant to provide comprehensive treatment of any particular subject, rather they are aimed at helping our readers to study and understand the teachings of the Prophet-Messenger in the light of the Holy Scriptures. The quotations are helpful not only in studying the Scriptures but also in maintaining the Bride's Christian walk.

There are over one thousand taped messages of William Branham. This book cannot and does not contain all the quotations pertaining to each subject matter. Any mistake found in these quotes or their sources of reference is unintentional.

As a Preacher of the Word of God, the Publisher has taken the liberty to highlight and add certain points to the answers on some subjects as revealed to him by the Word of the Lord.

PROPHETIC*REVELATION does not endorse, and has never endorsed, the words of William Branham as Oral Scriptures or The Absolute Authority of the Truth. Unfortunately many of the followers of William Branham are doing just that. They have become perverted cults. They have brought reproach to THE TRUTH that Bro. Branham stood for. For this reason PROPHETIC*REVELATION, which is a Gospel outreach ministry of Apostolic Truth, has been accused of being a part of that cultic movement by many of the denominational churches. On the other hand, those perverted followers of Branham have pronounced that our ministry is not “in the message”; hence, a false ministry.

William Branham himself had not contradicted the words of the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 — “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

The Holy Bible — Inspired Sacred Scriptures — is God's Only Absolute Authority of Divine Truth to mankind. All teachings of man must rest on the Sole Authority of The Word of God. The prophetic Holy Writ is of no private interpretation.

Like all Messengers of God, William Branham was an 'Absolute' with a specific Message for the Bride of Christ — to get her back to The Word in order that she could be made ready for the Coming of her Lord, Jesus Christ. Church traditions, creeds and dogmas have blinded worshippers to the Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and have caused them to be religious rather than spiritual. Hence, it is the plan of God that a Messenger should come and call us back to The Absolute Word of God.

William Branham was a very controversial figure in the Christian world. He was a simple and humble man of God. He had a supernatural ministry which was likened to that of Christ's that no other man could emulate, and which many well-known preachers recognized as a sign of the near Coming of Christ. Yet, many abuses were hurled at him, much of which was a result of misrepresentation of facts by his false accusers (who probably got their 'facts' from those 'cultic' followers of Branham). He was accused of forming a cult movement. His words were so misunderstood by many of his followers as well as his accusers, just as the teachings of St. Paul and Jesus were misunderstood by many in their days (Mk.14:58-59 cf.Jhn.2:18-21; Jhn.6:51-60; 2 Pet.3:15-18). Was not the Lord Jesus Christ falsely accused by his enemies? Did not the mainstream religious cult leaders of His days — the Pharisees and the Sadducees — spread lies about Him to keep the people away from Him and from the Truth He preached?

It seems that all the existing established religious organizations within Christendom have by now forgotten that they were at one time or another classified as a cult by those which were already established before them. Each group believes in some doctrines and teachings that they term as fundamental truth. Yet, basically all organized Christian religions — denominations — are cults, as implied in their manifestos. And in its blindness, the world has readily accepted the mainstream established churches as the standard by which all other smaller splinter groups are to be judged. But it is not a question of whether or not a church or a group is a cult since all denominations or groups are cults, but whether it is `a false cult' or `an evil cult'. The answer to this question can only be found in the Word of God.

Since the Divine Word of God is considered to be the Inspired Absolute Authority of Bible believers, then any Christian group whose faith is not Word-centered must necessarily be a false cult. It does not matter whether their ways of worship and doctrines have hundreds of years of traditional history. If they are not Scriptural, then they are not of the Truth. That's all! It does not matter if their doctrinal interpretations were given by some great men of God or priests. If they are contrary to the Word of God, then they must be lies. Period! “For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar;…” (Rom.3:3-4a).

In the days of our Lord Jesus Christ, the mainstream religious organizations of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes were so established in their religious traditions that their leaders, in their self-righteousness, spoke against the very Messiah whom they were waiting for. They accused the very God whom they claimed they served. They believed that the teachings of Jesus Christ and His disciples were totally wrong because the little group had deviated from the established mainstream religious teachings of the Scriptures. Unfortunately they did not realize that they themselves were totally wrong in their interpretations of the Scriptures. No wonder Jesus called them names — snakes, white-washed sepulchers, blind leaders of the blind, etc. (Undoubtedly, Jesus would use the same names to call many of the established Christian organizations of our day.) According to the definition of some cult busters — “a cult is a group of followers who deviates from the mainstream religions and follows the teachings of a man of charisma”. Jesus Christ and His followers certainly fit that description perfectly. The Early Church per se was also a cult. If Jesus Christ and His followers were here today, the established mainstream churches would certainly classify the little group as a cult.

A cult, be it religious, political, scientific, musical or whatever, is a group of people who idolized their leader (or leaders) and his (or their) words, or who are devoted to some passion. “The New Collins International Dictionary of the English Language” defines the word 'cult' as follows: 1. a specific system of religious worship. 2. a sect devoted to the beliefs of a cult. 3. intense interest in and devotion to a person, idea, or activity. 4. the person, idea, etc., arousing such devotion. 5. any popular fashion; craze.

According to the above definition, every religious organization is, therefore, a cult. Is not every Christian denomination a specific system of religious worship? Is not Charismaticism a craze among many Christians? Did not the disciples of Jesus Christ possess an intense interest in their Master? Was not Christ Jesus a man of charisma who aroused the people's devotion? The Presbyterian organization is a sect which devotes itself to a modified form of Calvinism. However, there are different sects within Presbyterianism, some of which are extreme Calvinists. Who was the founder of Calvinism? It was certainly not John Calvin. Calvin was only a preacher and a reformer. What about the different sects within Catholicism, Methodism, Pentecostalism, Lutheranism, etc.? Certainly you cannot blame John Wesley, Martin Luther or the other preachers for their teachings. They faithfully preached their respective messages for their time. But the hidden mystery in God's Word is progressively revealed in each age (after the Seed [Word] was allowed to be buried in the Dark Ages) until the Perfect (Word of the Revelation of Christ) is come. “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Cor.13:9-12).

Although many followers of William Branham have idolized their leader even to the extent of deifying him, William Branham was not a man who desired to be worshipped. To him such an act was ANTI-CHRIST, ANTI-WORD. He even fought against that Antichrist spirit just as hard as he had fought against organized Jezebel Christianity. However, immediately after his death, those who idolized him began to organize around his words and produced another denomination called Branhamism. Truly, history has repeated itself.
The beginning of the Twentieth Century saw the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that lasted slightly more than half a century. William Branham was known as the leader of the Deliverance Movement. He had a genuine gift that no one could dispute. Today, however, we see a widespread impersonation of the real thing. Among the 'New Wave' Pentecostalism and the Charismaticism, there are hundreds of preachers who claim to have some sort of gifts of the Holy Spirit — healing, miracles, knowledge, vision, etc. The fact is that many of such `gifts', which these people claim they possess, are not genuine gifts of God. This causes concern, for those who recognize these movements as a form of deception that draws 'Christian people' into Ecumenism are quick to reject the genuine divine healings, miracles, and other supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. When God sends a genuine gift, the devil sends hundreds of impersonating gifts — that is what confuses the people and destroys the faith of many.

Reading the Golden Nuggets in this book, you would notice that Bro. Branham was academically inadequate as shown in his speech. (The quotations are taken directly off taped sermons and slightly edited and rephrased by the Publisher.) Such academic standard was not quite up to the mark which most people had expected of a theologian of his standing. Though not a typical theologian he had the most profound understanding of Bible truths. He was not schooled in any theological seminary, something which organized churches normally lay down as a pre-requisite qualification for any person who desires to enter the Gospel ministry. His personal life and ministry had borne out the fact that he had the mind of Christ to an unparalleled degree. An outstanding Christian leader once said, “We preachers talk about Christ. Brother Branham lives Christ.” Perhaps this may cause us serious thinking Christians to seek the Word of God and to check our church 'revelations' more closely with the Truth.

Allow God to speak to you through these quotes to convict you, to teach you, to encourage you, and to help you obtain from Him that which you need to cause you to “draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you”.
May these Golden Nuggets be an enlightenment and a blessing to your spiritual life.

Subject Titles

Three Things You Must Not Do
Vindication of A Christian
To The Ministers
The Holy Ghost
Rapturing Faith
The Genuine Bride of Christ
Of Importance To Men
Of Importance To Women
Christian Baptism

Foreign Missions
The Second Advent of Christ
The Mark of The Beast
The Three Ordinances
Christian Fellowship
Unpardonable Sin
Revelation of God
Mixed Multitude of Believers
The Bride Age
Who Was William Branham?